
All The Girls Chit Chat

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hail to the Dung Beetles!!! (I'm thinking the crap I deal with maybe isn't so bad after all!)


  1. "Are they capable of having fun? You know, being... frivolous?" Oh yeah, you bet we are!!

  2. I'm afraid to watch... but if Bunnies eat their dung.. then beetles have a right too!

  3. I like it, they have a plan and they are going to accomplish it.

  4. "The humble dung beetle, because of it, we live in a better less smelly world."

  5. I find it amusing that more people are disturbed by my minion (the flying monkey) than these dung eating beetles.

  6. Incredible. I have a new found respect for dung beetles. I'm still wishing I had just gone with the vintage tierra to crown Blossom with though. All this talk of dung is a bit distrubing...combine that with the idea of monkeys that fly, like birds...you know what birds do... they drop things on you...and all the monkey's I've ever seen at the zoo like to fling dung...imagine what fun flying monkeys would have... oh dear, I've scared myself with my imagination again...Deborah, please tell me the flying monkeys aren't real...I'll have to sleep with the light on tonight...where's my widebrimmed hat...

  7. Babies and monkeys and beetles...OH MY!
    The orignal line wasn't edgy enough.


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