
All The Girls Chit Chat

Monday, June 7, 2010

Oh Boys

Look what I found, just for the boys.  It is wool and covers just a little more than the one Blossom had in mind.

Now wouldn't Butt Head  Stupid Butt look good in this one.  Can you imagine how itchy it would have been to wear wool.  Anyone for the POOL.


  1. I actually got excited when I saw this because I am looking for one to frame and hang in my bathroom. I recently lost out on one in an online auction. [grumbling, kicking dirt] Drats!

  2. I have seen pictures of my dear 94yo grandfather in one of these. I'm thinkin' they will most likely NOT come back in style. Those were the good ol' days, when things were left to the imagination...

  3. HEAVY!!! too, do you think you could get a "rash" from wearing that?

  4. I can think of a lot of people that I wish would wear that!

  5. Does Mr. Lonely belong to anyone or is he just fishing for followers. I am sorry I am smirking as I type this, has he tried Match.com.

  6. Mr. Lonely is fishing I'm afraid. Perhaps that is why he is lonely? I don't want to hang out with him! I bet if we gave him a pop quiz on this "nice blog" of ours, he couldn't answer the first question.

    "nice blog" and that is where he stopped talking about us and started in on himself.

    Funny, yet sad.

  7. Mr Lonely is a teenager, speaks/types broken English and is hardly lonely with over 490 followers. Spam.

  8. That' what I figured, bye bye Mr. Lonely.

  9. Speaking of fishing for followers, Rachel Ashwell, come on. If I see her face on another blog, it is driving me crazy this week.


    OH MY GOODNESS! OH MY GOODNESS! Somebody get me a paperbag...

    WHAT???? Mr. Lonely has 490 FOLLOWERS? What? You mean that kind of comment up there actually WORKS?

  11. Except for the paperbag was for the Ashwell thing not the lonely thing.

  12. 94 y/o men.. itching.. wool.. and lonely men.. hmmm, are we on some dating site now? Eeek.. or would that be eewwie.

  13. nice blog.. have a view of my blog when free.. http://fairfieldhousenj.com/...do leave me some comment / guide if can.. if interested can subscribe to my blog...

  14. I was going to do a post in honor of Cow's birthday but since I can't remember my user name or password for this stupid butt google/blogger account I am left to use the comment field.

    I hope Cow has an udderly good day. Perhaps the Cotton Ball will take him to the Moo-vies.

    And now, he moment you've all been waiting for...wait for it...

    The Birthday Cow Joke!

    There was a herd of cattle all standing on a hill when an earthquake struck. All of the cows fell down, but the bull remained standing. The farmer noticing this went out and asked the bull, "Why didn't you fall down like the rest of the herd. The bull replied, "We bulls wobble, but we don't fall down."

    Hope your day is bo-vine.


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