
All The Girls Chit Chat

Friday, July 9, 2010


Hey ladies and gents.

does anybody really truly know if you can make money on Etsy?


  1. I've bought several things on etsy, mostly from bloggers.

  2. I have heard the fees are cheaper than on ebay. Do you have a craigs list or kijji? I have seen some nice things on etsy but I have not bought anything yet.

  3. Amy sells on Etsy (she's one of my favorites). I have bought plenty of things on Etsy.

  4. Thanks fairfieldhousenj.com!
    etsy is how being a stay at home mom works for me.
    I know plenty of people who make a great living at this. It is hard work just like any job but once you get it, it works.

  5. I know a few people that do really well with etsy. The really successful things spend just as much time promoting as they do creating/finding things to sell. If you start a shop, be sure to let us know, so that we can promote ya.

  6. Gwen if I could think of something....I would, and thanks for all your encouragement!


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